Yorkies are Special, Yorkies are Sweet,
They love to cuddle and lick your feet.

Friday, September 30, 2011

RVing with 'The Girls'

We went to Wichita, Kansas for a six night stay so my husband could build his daughter's deck. We traveled with both pups and Abby, my Pacific Parrotlett. Fun times! Here Sophie is checking out both the outdoors and Abby.
                                                        Here is the finished project.

RVing is hard work. The park had a lot of trees and we walked a lot. Zoe' would sleep up my feet, as always!

I stayed at the RV a couple of days while dh worked. It was nice for me, but he is pretty worn out.

The last night we were there, Sophie got a little stick 'bone' stuck in the floor vent. Well here he is
to the rescue. 
The girls did very well for the 6 hour drive. Slept most of the way and only had to make stops about every 2 hours. At the end of the trip the girls warmed up to each other sleeping on my lap, as you can see.
It was nice to be home, but sometimes 'HOME SWEET HOME is over-rated! LOL The power went out about 8 pm and it was hot as you know what! The temp was record braking again... But, today is a new day..and yes home sweet home!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Play day....

Today we were invited to my friends house. She has 2 dogs, a pet friendly home and yard. So, off we went. The girls did great with her 2 males. Zoe' showed no fear, nor any mercy on Taffy. They played until they dropped. Here is Zoe' fast asleep knowing Taffy is NOT allowed under the coffee table...Smart girl.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


...Zoe' has started barking at me when she has to potty! Wow...I'm impressed! Having a 'big sister' has helped, I think. Even DH make a comment that perhaps she's faster at 'potty' training. Don't get me wrong, I still have to watch her like a hawk, all the time. Oh, she does get a cheerio as a 'reward'! Till today, it's even Sophie's favorite snacks!
A few nights ago we had some much need rain. Sophie is use to it and really doesn't mind being wet. It wasn't all  way the case. Last year for her, we had a 'cover' for her...
It was great! But all good things must come to an end. One night, rain turned into ice and down it went. It was just not strong enough for all that weight. So, for now it as not been replaced. So, Zoe' will just have to get wet...poor baby. *smile*

Sunday, September 18, 2011

While both girls were running around the pool...

...Sophie ran into Zoe'. Yep, in the pool the poor girl went.

I'm ALWAYS out with them when out in the yard. So, not to worry. I was right there to pull her out...was kinda cute. You know, that dog paddle they do. I hurried in the house, rinsed her off and dried her with a low set hair-dryer. We have been outside since, she just looked at the pool and went on to 'potty'. Wow, what a morning...

Sophie was thinking to herself "hey, it happened to me...and I'm fine..."  lol

Friday, September 16, 2011

Weather in the 70's!

Another day of walking, this time I took both girls the route Sophie and I go. Zoe' was carried most of the way but did very, very well. The traffic was 'new to her'. Not to crazy about it, to say the least. But all in all, she had a nice outing. As you can see...it did her in. Here, she is once again at my feet. Her favorite place to be.

Now Sophie retreats to the other part of the house, for a little R & R herself:

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Our First Walk

Zoe' is 9 weeks today, by the way.  I decided, its time for a walk.  Sophie was so ready to 'go' and Zoe' was like 'what the heck'!! lol  They did well. Had them on 2 separate leashes, for now. I would love to have them get use to the double one later.  It was a short walk. The weather is so nice. Tuesday is was 107 degrees. But again the weather is cooling off. Hopefully for longer, this time.

We are getting the RV ready...time for a new venture. This time with Abby, a pacific parrolett, and the 2 pups. Wow, won't I have a lot to blog about~

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Aren't we getting big....

Wow...look at me. I am a big girl now and follow my sister every wheres!
Zoe' have her first vet visit today, shots and all. She weighs 2.10 lbs.

Day 15...

...it was just a matter of time before they start getting closer at nap times.

Zoe always falls asleep at my feet, while Sophie is next to me on the love seat. But, this time...ahhhh life is so sweet.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

After 2 weeks...

Things are really going well. Sophie has really taken a 'shine' to Zoe'. She sleeps near her kennel at nap times. But they have not laid next to each other yet. Perhaps in time, they will. Playing together is such fun. Keeps us laughing! Zoe' had learned to bite hard enough to squeak her toys.  Sharing is so-so on Sophie's part...she's trying.

Here, they each have their own bones...
but now, Zoe's has decided she much rather have the big one!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

A ride to the lake...

Sophie has a blanket...but she insist on sitting next to Zoe' who is in the kennel. We have an RV parked on a corner lot at a lake that is about 2 hours away. Still unable to get the boat on the water...lakes are really down due to drought conditions. Zoe' did great, slept all the way there and back. She played on the deck...

...her fist pine cone. The lot has about 18 pine trees. Lots of shade, a covered porch. Pretty neat.
Here is Sophie's first camping week-end at the lake, a year ago this past July.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Their first video!

This is so fun to watch. Keep in mind, I am too busy playing to pick up toys! lol

Ohh how we forget...

Sophie came to us in July of 2010. Now, we have Zoe'. Like giving birth, I suppose one FORGETS all we went through. Well, I am so happy to write that Zoe' slept ALL NIGHT! Yea, doing the happy dance! Last night she fell asleep on my lap for the first time. (She has been more of a play until she drops sort of  pup) She and Sophie played really hard and long for the first time. I picked up Zoe' telling my DH that I would take her out 'one last time' for the night...right. Poor girl. I put her on the ground and she laid down and fell asleep! Now if I did not feel bad, at the same time I really did LOL..Sad, but it was so cute. Came back in and put her right in her kennel without her ever waking up. She did not wake me up until 6 AM! Wow. Life is good.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

As the days go by...

Sophie with 'BOBO'. My goodness, we have have at least 5 of these. Off to Pet Smart to get a couple of more.
Here is Belle, Zoe's mom and a bit shy. She is smaller then Sophie's mom. Both her mom and dad weights about 5 pounds.

Look at Sophie's tail! It is just a' waggin'!! Getting better each day...by the HOUR!! This just makes my heart sing...