Yorkies are Special, Yorkies are Sweet,
They love to cuddle and lick your feet.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Helping me in the sewing room....

Zoe' loved tossing the spool of empty thread around and chasing it. Sophie on the other hand just wanted to hide and chew. Silly girls.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Another day at the Dog Park...

                    Meet Ziggy! He is a 7 year old Yorkie! Isn't he precious!
                   Sophie is in the dark pink and Zoe' in the light pink.

                      The weather is too good to be true. A wonderful 75 degrees!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Nap Time...

                                                                   ... for all of us!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I know where Zoe' is...

but I think she is 'lost' without Sophie. Today, she and dad are going to the lake for the day. The burn ban has been lifted and I decided not to go. Since we have so many trees on the lot, we are over due to burn.  Smoke is not my 'best friend'. So, I will take Zoe' to the park for a 'mommy me day'!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A New Year...

We are off to a wonderful start. Weather has been awesome, days in the high 60's and that means a visit to the dog park! Sometimes its nice to have a fence between the dogs...but even they think grass is always greener...lol

Here is the new cover...dad hates for them to get wet!! lol  Oh yes, have to have the night lights too!!!

Today, Sophie is wanting both bones...
...and life is sweet when she get them!